I am 35 years old and I was born and raised in Alberta, Canada. I have a wife and five children that keep me very busy. We are currently living in Lethbridge AB. I obtained my Masters of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Calgary and I am licensed as a P.Eng in the province of Alberta.

I got married on August 24, 2013 to my wife and we have been blessed with 5 children. Our first daughter came along in June of 2015, we figured we could handle another and were surprised when we got twins! A baby boy and girl were born in June of 2017 and they have been a great addition to our family. We also have one other son who is 2 years old and a baby just under a year. As a family we like to go out for walks when the weather is good. My wife and I like to play board games whenever we get the time.
One of my personal interests is in the vast and complicated field of Artificial Intelligence. There are so many sub-fields in AI ranging from basic applications of machine learning to the quest for "strong AI" and beyond. I love reading about the new and exciting capabilities engineers around the world are allowing our computers to do. There are just so many mysteries and potential in this field I can't wait for what is to come. I am amazed at the current advancements in AI image generation as well as ChatGPT. Who knows what will come next!

I'm not afraid to admit I love playing video games! Ever since I was a kid I would spend my Saturdays either playing the N64 or the latest PC game. I don't just like playing the games though, I have always enjoyed modding (editing or creating new content) in order to create my own experience and explore the full capabilities of the game. My new obsession is Virtual Reality and I managed to get my hands on a HP Reverb G2 headset as well as Meta's Quest 2.

I have an interest in self driving cars because I see it as being the very first global application of Artificial Intelligence and it will change a lot of the things about the way we live. If I could have my wish I would work in an industry that does work with self driving vehicles and I would own one myself. This technology has the potential to be very disruptive and it will take a lot of time and discussion to ensure the transition occurs smoothly.

Being a nerd today is cool. My favorite movie is Star Wars, although I am not so sure about the newer versions. I have always liked the Marvel characters and I have liked almost all of the movies they have released. I have even been playing the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons with some of my friends once a week.

I don't personally have the desire to go to Mars, but I think that humanity's quest to get there is a thrilling and worthy challenge for the coming century. The engineering challenges that it presents will push us to innovate and discover, which can only benefit mankind in the long run. Before you ask, yes; I am a personal fan of Elon Musk.