C4I Training and Technology
Software Developer
April 2019 - Present
Engineers at C4i are required to manage several different aspects of the work including design, development, and testing. During the first year of work I was on a software project that managed the setup of radio and communication networks for military battle groups. Safety and quality control were extremely important due to the nature and use of the software. Strict procedures and practices were in place but I was also able to suggest improvements during regular retrospectives. One such improvement was a “developer test” phase where a test done by another developer before involving QA.
Another contribution to the work was the investigation of a slow process of rendering configuration documents. Several options were researched and ranked, with suitability, ease of use, and cost taken into consideration. Proofs of concepts were developed for the top candidates and stress tests were developed to ensure suitability. I worked in collaboration with another colleague and provided a demo and full report to the technical leads and management.
I eventually was moved to another project where I currently served as a project manager/scrum master. I was able to manage conflict in a resistant team as I enacted change in the development process to bring it more in line with company and software development best practices.
In this project (which is primarily a simulation software) I have many opportunities to design and develop accurate-to-life simulations using mathematical principals. Some examples include a physics system for free falling / parachuting, electromagnetic emissions and detections and entity turn radius calculations.
I continue to work on different types of projects, regularly applying engineering principals in my designs. I currently work on a project involving the integration and communication of several different systems. These systems communicate using a distributed “actor” system as well as gRPC messages. Managing the documentation of these communication methods is important as there is tendency for this team to change and communicating work that was done previously to new members is very important.
May 2017 - January 2018
My main responsibility was to help students to learn and improve their understanding in the subjects of math and physics. The focus was on teaching studying habits and self learning skills. Despite having learned all the math and science in High School, it was amazing how much you forget when you don't use it. All of the students I tutored showed an increase in their grades as a result of my tutoring, including one student who was diagnosed with a learning disorder and was a particular challenge. It was great to be able to serve as a positive roll model to the younger students.
May 2014 - September 2015
This position was a 16 month student internship through the University of Calgary and it was a great opportunity for me to work with professional engineers in a technical environment. My main responsibility while I was there was working with an in-house windows application called MBScope that controlled and monitored the magnetic levitation in a magnetic beating. I was able to find and fix hundreds of bugs while I was there and developed several new features. I was even given the chance to design and develop a brand new software extension called MBPulse that was shipped along with a condition monitoring software for an offshore drilling platform.
I have worked in a lot of different positions throughout my life, and they have all taught me something. I have worked replacing underground power lines, installing home security systems, landscaped, handled material in a warehouse, cooked at A&W and in a pizza shop, managed people at a movie theater and even worked as a tobacco compliance youth.